2 minutes
A Retrospective - 2 Years Journey
It’s been awhile.
Two years ago, I was in the throes of my final year in college, buried under an avalanche of assignments, group projects, and exams. The daunting prospect of the ‘real world’ was looming large, casting its long shadow over the comfortable cocoon of university life. But there was an eager anticipation mingled with that fear - a readiness to plunge headlong into the unknown.
When graduation day finally came, it was an experience marked with an intoxicating blend of relief, exhilaration, and a hint of melancholy. The nervous energy that permeated the air as we all collected our degrees, took our photos, and bid our final goodbyes, is a memory that still resonates vividly.
Looking back, the progress I have made since then is beyond what I had ever imagined. The knowledge I’ve gained, the skills I’ve honed, and the people I’ve met have all contributed to my professional and personal development.
The journey, however, was not always smooth sailing. There were hurdles along the way, moments of self-doubt and frustration. Yet, each challenge presented an opportunity for growth and taught me the value of resilience and perseverance.
As I write this, I can’t help but feel a surge of gratitude. Gratitude for the journey, for the people who have been a part of it, and for the opportunities that have come my way. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, but it’s moments like these that make me pause and appreciate the path I’ve taken.
To anyone out there who’s on the brink of a significant life transition, whether it’s graduation, starting a new job, or any other landmark, I’d like to say this - embrace the change. It may seem daunting and overwhelming at first, but it’s all a part of the journey. The challenges you encounter will shape you, the victories will encourage you, and the experiences will enrich you. Trust the journey and trust yourself.
So, here’s to two years of incredible growth, learning, and transformation! The next year or so will be filled with insane pressure to perform as I’ll be juggling insane workloads and managing miniscule budgets. In the meantime, I hope to dumb my reflections I’ve written over the long period of time and dump the remainder of my notes here. I’ll check in again when the time is right.